Understanding Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?

‘Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is the leading-edge in the evolution of craniosacral therapy. Deeply rooted in the origins of craniosacral healing from the Osteopathic tradition, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy reaches forward into the forefront of energy medicine, as a healing pathway rooted in a clear relationship to the animating life force of the body.’

Scott Zamurut

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on approach to healing that taps into the body’s natural healing ability to resolve trauma. It works on the physical, emotional, energetic, and mental aspects of a client,  promoting profound change and improving the flow of life force throughout the body. It is truely a holistic healing modality that arises from a deep perception of the moment.

Craniosacral touch

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy developed out of cranial Osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, and energy medicine. It is a modality richly informed by discoveries in prenatal and perinatal development, childhood & ego development, trauma resolution, living anatomy, mindfulness, and neuroscience.

The Essential Skills of a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist

To become a skilled Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, one must possess a range of essential skills. These include perceptual skills that allow the therapist to sense the health of their client, how energy is moving through the body, and the arising of different energetic tidal expressions throughout the session. The therapist must be able to abide with their clients’ process without judgement, and with compassion and presence.

Relational skills are crucial, as the therapist must create a safe and compassionate space for the client to open up and transform. Trauma therapy skills are also necessary, as the therapist must be able to recognise and help clients navigate how their healing is unfolding. Finally, an awareness of the impacts of trauma on the body, including prenatal, birth, and childhood trauma, is essential for providing effective treatment.

How does Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy achieve change?

In our fast-paced modern world, many people are disconnected from the healing states that can be accessed through Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. The stress of daily life and the trauma load (unresolved energies) people carry, cause the body to be organised in ways that are not optimal for health. This can show up as tension, pain, stress, migraines and bring a sense of unease, depression, anxiety and so on. Then the body is prevented from reaching a state of relaxation and healing.

A Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist helps the client’s body shift into a deep healing mode, allowing the body’s own intelligence to make decisions about how to process unresolved energies. This opens up many possibilities for the body to release excess energy and move towards a greater state of health. The therapist works with the client to navigate this process and stay present with what is emerging. Through this process, the body can safely discharge excess energy and achieve a greater sense of health.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

History of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy has a rich history that can be traced back to the teachings of renowned osteopaths such as Dr. Sutherland and his student Dr. Becker. Over time, other influential figures like James Jealous and Franklyn Sills also contributed to the development of this holistic healing practice. Today, biodynamic craniosacral therapy continues to evolve and grow in popularity as more people seek out natural and non-invasive approaches to healthcare.

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Our body is an integrated wholeness

Primary Respiration Mechanism

Dr. William Sutherland, a graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, discovered the Primary Respiration Mechanism. This mechanism involves the motility of the central nervous system, fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid, reciprocal tension membranes, mobility of the cranial bones, and involuntary motion of the sacrum between the ilia. It is a core aspect of Craniosacral therapy, which is based on Sutherland’s observation of how the living body moves as a coordinated whole unit.

When Primary Respiration is unobstructed and moves freely, there is health. For the first 40 years of Sutherland’s career, the application of the Primary Respiration Mechanism for clients was done through manual manipulation of the body. Techniques were developed to help free the system to work more optimally.

When Primary Respiration is unobstructed and moves freely, there is health

Your natural ability to heal

William Sutherland and his student, Dr. Rollin Becker, were pioneers in the understanding of the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Becker developed techniques to manipulate the body, but also discovered the importance of allowing the body to correct itself naturally. This approach, became known as working in “biodynamic,” way, this involves relating with the body’s bio-energy and letting that lead the process, rather than manipulating bones and tissues.

In the 1970s, John Upledger began teaching osteopathic knowledge to non-osteopaths, leading to the development of Craniosacral therapy. Franklyn Sills, a key Craniosacral teacher, also recognised the body’s inherent wisdom and developed the biodynamic craniosacral approach, which emphasises the energetic phenomenon happening within and around the body. Overall, these approaches highlight the importance of supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. This rich linage continues to be taught and developed by teachers like Scott Zamarut and Roger Gilscrest.

Biodynamics today

Today, biodynamics has evolved to encompass the entire body and its energetic field. It is a natural process that unfolds intelligently throughout the body, not just within the craniosacral system. The term ‘Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy’ is now somewhat outdated, as it reflects the history of working primarily with the craniosacral system and not primary respiration as it affects the whole body. 

Role of a Biodynamic practitioner

The practice of biodynamic craniosacral therapy has brought about a significant change in the role of practitioners. Instead of diagnosing and making mechanical adjustments, practitioners now focus on aligning with the natural forces of the body and allowing the inherent healing process to unfold. This involves a deep understanding and alignment with the primary respiration and the Breath of Life, and using touch to facilitate this relationship between the body and its natural intelligence. The shift towards this biodynamic approach has transformed the way practitioners approach healing and has brought about a greater emphasis on the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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