Vitality & Mojo
It’s your birthright to feel alive, brimming with vitality & mojo. You feel your aliveness as a ‘yes’ to life that is supportive and enabling.
Vitality is yOur Birthright
Aliveness can be felt as being vibrant, a body full of sensations and it can also be experienced as a quiet hum. It can bring a sense of calm self-confidence that is a contentedness with life.
Your potency is your life-force which is the energy needed for your growth and transformation throughout your life. From a wee single-celled dot, you become a fully-grown human being. Life-force is a fundamental energy that grows and maintains your body.
Growth requires a lot of life force.
Access to potency is not dependent on what is happening in the world around you. In optimal health, your potency is always available and flowing through you. When it is freely available like this, you feel connected to something resourcing and positive. You will not feel burnt out.
Your aliveness is something very fundamental to being human. When you are in direct contact with your vitality, you feel you are being recharged and are connected to something very substantial.
“I can feel energy moving right through me!”
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy connects you to this field of aliveness. This field assists the body to open out of contractions and to optimise the flow of energy throughout your whole system.
Energy Body
In addition to your physical body, you have an ‘energy body’. This is a personal field that includes and surrounds your physical body. It’s not seperate from your physical body, they are each an expression of each other.
Your energy body has fulcrums, or different organising centres, that distribute energy for different functions in the materialisation of your body, sensations, emotions and thoughts.
Chakras are examples of energetic organising fulcrums, as are the deeper centres of the head, heart and belly.
Your life force is thought to travel within the body through the fascia, the network of connective tissue that runs throughout our whole body.
When energy is flowing in and out of you smoothly and freely, you feel harmonised, balanced, and capable. You will feel like you are doing things in our own rhythm and often you will have an expanded sense of self.
Impact of Trauma on Our Energy Body
Mingtong Gu, a Qigong master describes trauma as an energetic overwhelming event. From this school of thought, your energy body is impacted and responds to trauma before your physical body does. These impacts then flow from your energy body into your physical body, and can actually have shapes and different densities.
“I feel like I have a lump to the right-side of my neck, outside my body”
When you are injured (physically, emotionally, or energetically) you instinctively protect yourself. This protection is an intelligent, immediate, and automatic response by your organism. You protect yourself from pain, and you will automatically organise your body and mind to minimise any impact from overwhelm.
It isn’t always easy to realise how much your life-force is being contained, as most of your contractions happened during your childhood as you constantly adapted to your environment. You have gotten used to how things are.
Many people have an indirect sense of energy like feeling really sluggish or over-stimulated. You might instinctively feel you really like someone, that they have a positive vibe. Conversely, you might find that you just don’t want to be near someone else – you might feel that ‘they don’t feel good.’ You can also get this sense about places and buildings and so on. When you have this type of knowing, you might actually be tuning into an aspect of your energy or someone else’s without realising.
As with any aspect of your felt-sense this is an experience, and not a matter of belief. It requires coming into real time and tuning into what’s present. To do this requires being with the whole spectrum of experience, including numbness, pain, joy, love, lightness, and fear. Discovering your felt-sense is a journey of re-sensitising you to all that is here.
Have you had direct felt-sense experience of energy in your body?
Do you feel vital no matter what the weather is like? Can you drop into this internal resource?
How alive do you feel you are? Is it throughout your body or in pockets?
Do you feel your energy levels are low? What does that actually feel like?
Coming Back Into Health
For thousands of years, cultures around the world have cultivated practices to bring balance and flow to bodies. Chi kung, yoga, TCM, and acupuncture are all knowledge systems that have different ways to map and support the movement of your energy body.
A fundamental aspect of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is relating to the forces that generate and maintain both the physical and energetic body. It is very powerful to relate to these forces without an agenda, without a map of what will happen; and to let these forces lead the way. This allows a deep unfolding to happen that is unpredictable and, in a sense, unknowable. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a very direct way of accessing this aspect of our health and opening up what has been held and contained.