Biodynamic Craniosacral Touch a body-led somatic process
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on body-based, healing modality. It’s different from most other approaches because it's entirely led by your system. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy works by relating to the forces that create & maintain health in the human system.
In session I listen deeply to you, feeling what is happening in your body in real time. Bodies like being listened to and seen. When the body is deeply heard, it gets to tell its story and change happens.
Bodies love being met
Craniosacral touch inspires your body to get into a mode where it can resolve outdated patterns.
Change can happen anywhere in the body. The touch is holistic.
Touch is a non-verbal way of communicating and listening.
It is your body’s first language. Your brain and nervous system developed by how you were touched by the world - firstly in the womb and then as a baby and child.
Touch is vital to your body’s perception of safety
When you are touched by someone who has a wide perceptual field, they can see-feel your body in a way that is quite different to what you are likely to normally experience. Bodies like being met like this, it gives your system the resources to resolve overwhelm and shift limiting patterns.
The changes possible
Feeling safe
Clients discover the felt-sense of being safe. This is not an idea, it is an embodied experience that can grow and expand. For anyone whose safety has been compromised, this is a blessing indeed.
Having less pain
When overwhelm resolves, the body comes out of repetitive pain loops. That happens because the underlying issue has been met. It’s then possible for clients to stop or reduce pain medications, or simply not have as many pain flare-ups.
Increased energy levels
When the energy of the body & mind stops being spent coping with overwhelm there is more energy for living. Clients can then feel like they have more physical energy.
Less emotional reactivity
When the unmet emotions of the past are fully met, it becomes much easier to regulate emotions. Sadness, anger, frustration, fear, shock, shame, guilt, loneliness, apathy, and powerlessness become states that pass through you, rather than emotions stuck and held in your body.
More lightness
If you have great body awareness you might notice that overwhelm feels like a burden, a heaviness in your body. In this work, clients often feel the burden of their history dissolving from their bodies. They literally feel lighter, less weighed down.
Reconnection to self
This work helps clients to reconnect deeply to what is good and whole inside of themselves. It can be a profound process of reconnection to self.
better alignment
It is common for clients to open up to an inner sense of flow. When this happens there is more ease in the body and people feel more aligned. This can be both a physical and psychological shift of alignment.
Each session is unique. As a body-led process we don’t know what is going to unfold on the day.

Craniosacral Touch grounds your system in real time
What does Biodynamic mean?
Your body is being created, moment-by-moment by fields of energy and tissues all moving and relating to each other. These are bio (biological) dynamic (moving) fields - that are purposefully organised. Every cell, thread of fascia, nerve, bone, cell and so on, is in intimate relationship with the whole. It’s an ongoing dance. Working biodynamically is to work with all elements of the body, at whatever level the body wants to express and resolve.
What is the craniosacral system?
One of the insight of Osteopathy is the discovery of a dynamic relationship between the cranial bones & membranes, brain, spine and sacrum. Far from being independent aspects of anatomy, they are in constant relationship. This is something you can experience within your body, when your body is very permeable to the energetic tides moving within.
The way your Craniosacral system works together (or not) impacts your whole body’s ability to express health. This is considered a fundamental aspect of health because of the way energy interchanges with your brain, spine and nerves.
How does change happen in body through biodynamic craniosacral therapy?
Your body is always organising itself around what is most optimal, given the overwhelm it is managing.
A Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist helps your body shift into a deep healing mode, allowing your body’s own intelligence to make decisions about how to process unresolved energies.
This opens up many possibilities for your body to release excess energy and move towards a greater state of health.
I work with clients to navigate this process and stay present with what is emerging. Through this process, the body can safely discharge excess energy and achieve a greater sense of health.
In other words, I help your body go into a self-healing mode. This is not your everyday mode. It’s a place where transformation happens. I navigate and support you through this process.
What modalities and teachings inform Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy?
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy has its roots in osteopathy and has evolved to include influences from advances in neuroscience, human development, prenatal and perinatal psychology, and trauma resolution.
This work is taught and practised around the world and is recognised by many local and national governments. In Switzerland, it is covered by the national health plan.
What are The Essential Skills of a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist?
To become a skilled Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, a range of essential skills are necessary. These include perceptual skills that allow the therapist to sense the health of their client, how energy is moving through the body, and the arising of different energetic tidal expressions throughout the session. The therapist must be able to abide with their clients’ process without judgement, and with compassion and presence.
Relational skills are crucial, as the therapist must create a safe and compassionate space for the client to open up and transform. Trauma therapy skills enable the therapist to be able to recognise and help clients navigate how their healing is unfolding. Finally, an awareness of the impacts of overwhelm on the body, including how prenatal, birth, childhood trauma, and ‘big T’ traumas shape the body really helps understand the language of the body.
The challenges of life don’t go away because overwhelm is resolved.
The challenges keep on coming, but the way you consistently show up for yourself and actively participate in life is different. It’s a much richer and fuller life.
Discover inner Body Freedom